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Gilded Age     Lincoln Family  1 single Lincoln Ch 2e


Robert Lincoln took his responsibility as Abe and Mary's oldest son very seriously.  With Abe away from home frequently, Robert felt an obligation to help his Ma as much as possible with household tasks as well as with his brothers.

Mary, likewise, loved her oldest son very much. As an educated and cultured woman, unusual in the rural town of Springfield, she encouraged Robert's academic pursuits, but also allowed him to have a childhood.

While Robert was attending Harvard during Lincoln's first term in office, he would meet his Ma from time to time in New York City.

Robert wanted to enroll in the military.  His Pa was in favor.  However, it was Mary who put her foot down.  She reminded her husband that she lost 2 sons already.  She was not about to lose Robert.

Mary also played match maker as she wanted Robert to marry the "right girl". It was Mary who invited Sen Harlan's daughter, Mary, to dinner without informing Robert.  Mary Harlan, like Mary Lincoln, was educated and cultured.

When tragedies happen, family members and  family relationships  can change. Lincoln's assassination especially changed Mary Lincoln.

Mary's bizarre behaviors were very noticeable.  She felt she was not respected when she was not granted a pension.  She began selling her clothes ...she wore black all the time.  She began to withdraw.  She threatened to move to Germany.  And then she did.

When she returned after 3 years in Germany, her behavior further worried Robert.  She began carrying around large sums of money; she returned from Florida thinking that Robert had died.  She told Mary Harlan how to raise her daughter. 

Finally, Robert made a decision many years later he would regret.  He arranged for his Ma to be declared insane.  

Mary Lincoln refused to acknowledge Robert until a few months before her death when they did see each other.


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